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A Blood Bowl game in action

Twoshedzz (Pete)

The Beastie Boys - Chaos Chosen

Turning up to a big tournament like this - you don't get much time before you are off and away on game one. Thankfully I'd not hit the bar the night before so was relatively fresh...

Painted Chaos Chosen Minotaur and Beastman models
The Chosen Minotaur flanked by Beastmen from the Beastie Boys

Game 1 vs BrickP playing Norse

Team win 4-0

Beastie Boys Win 2-1

I'd never played with or against the new Norse. Had no idea if I could win the bash war or not. I honestly can't remember too much about the detail of this game. In my drive he kicked the ball long into my near right corner. My team got split too much between the line of scrimmage and a thin screen of beastmen defending the ball. A couple of Norse players including a Valkyrie made it to the ball (I think I'd fumbled the pick up - despite sure hands). He sacked the carrier on a one dice and the ball bounced free behind me. A lucky / well-placed Valkyrie was able to easily pick up the ball (showing the beastman how it’s done) and double rush to score.

In my favour, I had removed the Yeti (he had no appo) on turn 2.

Turns out for most of the game, I won the bash war quite comfortably. One of the touchdowns I scored I think was more potatoe than the other. I was feeling comfortable for the win at 1-1 mainly due to the growing removals. Norse armour is fun times for bashy chaos.

Learning point. I should have caged and not gone for the hit on the drive he scored. The minotaur makes it tempting to bash stuff, but then you have to support him and this can leave you with not enough for a cage.

Game 2 vs Oklaoma playing Orcs

Team Draw

Beastie Boys Draw 1-1

A hard game on the highest table of the tournament for our team. Tough French opponents who finished 5th overall by the end.

He received and it started bad with a KO’d block lino beastman on first dice (repeat of game one. In two games the player managed 3 turns total spending the rest KO’d. Not bitter). More KOs followed. I struggled to break armour on his orcs. He had no orc linos and four goblins instead. But the gobbos kept dodging even on rerolled three dice blocks (bad use of a reroll). He used guard skill well on his Biguns and although things were even in the centre, he made a rush down my right wing which was well screened. I managed to free up a player to rush back. He then escaped again and dashed across my touchline with the ball carrying blitzer and I think he thought he was safe. I did a 3+ dodge double rush blitz with the sure hands blizer to pop the ball, and caught it. I didn't manage to turn him over but got the ball far enough away to defend the drive.

My drive things went a bit better. By turn 7 the touchdown was secure and the remaining orcs were very spread out. I realised too late I should have been fouling the troll to prevent the one turn touchdown (OTT). At the end of my turn 16 was 1-0 up, and the puddings were winning. If my opponent scored, it was a team draw. Sadly, despite a good long kick, he managed it aided by the goblin scattering to land in a tackle zone reducing the number of dodges. The dice needed were considerably wilder than my blitz, but that was the moment my opponent chose to remind me of. Was a good game, possibly my best opponent and defo the hardest team we faced.

Learning point. If the opponent can one turn, consider fouling sooner when safe. You need to remove the players. In my case it was the troll as he had a load of goblins. Beastmen blitzing on a 3+ dodge is actually fine especially if you have RR. I did a loose cage for my drive and touchdown and didn't do this enough on the day.

Game 3 vs Huntlyloon playing Shambling undead

Team win 3-1

Beastie Boys Won 2-1

I smashed his undead here. Poor guy had a bad day at the office. However, I was feeling too buoyant and missed an obvious gap for a ghoul to blitz the ball carrier from behind. Three ghouls outran me and he got a touchdown. The number advantage paid off though, and focusing beats on ghouls and a tasty wight removal meant for an easy 2nd Touchdown.

Learning point. Don’t get cocky kid. Ghouls are fast and can score easily when there are three of them. Fast players should never be underestimated.

End of day one. Felt good about Chaos. The mino was behaving, the warriors had made meaty barriers and the beastmen had made a load of ‘from anywhere’ blitzes.

Painted Chaos Chosen Blocker models
The Chosen Blockers from the Beastie Boys

Game 4 vs El_Duderino playing Gobbos

Team Draw

Draw 1-1

This is where the puddings played against a team of four stunty players. They were good players and I had to get my head around what to do about secret weapons and three bribes. First thing on a Sunday morning this game was a rough wake-up.

The chainsaw and hooligan absolutely mullered my team. I spent a lot of time standing back out of tackle zones rather than getting totally cut apart and fouled. He had three bribes so it was a long haul. He scored on his first drive turn 8 which did give me a chance to get some KO’d players back on the pitch. I can’t remember too much about my drive and score. I know he got a chance at a OTT at the end and thankfully this one failed, he had no RR.

I think there was a point where I could have scored with a rush on my turn 15 but I had no RR and didn't want to give him 2 turns to score. I failed the score, he failed the OTT.

Learning point Not rushing to score was a mistake. 2-1 and forcing him a two turn with no re-rolls was better than playing for the draw. Should have had a better head for thinking that through. Lots of players watching jipped me up, but better experience would have told me to score.

Game 5 vs Lord Bonan playing Gobbos

Team win 2-1-1

Loss 1-2

Goblins again. Oh joy. I was starting to regret not having any tackle by this point. This opponent finished high(ish) on the overall individual standings 35th.

More chainsaws, bombs and a mighty blow block ball and chain. Hideous. My drive, I’d made a good screen and transitioned well. He threw a bomb 6 scares, it deviated and managed to take out only one of my players, the ball carrier. FFS. He then ran a goblin through a sea of tackle zones of about 3 lines of players, picked up the ball, rushed, then swept in some gobbos to base me. He scored on turn two.

I managed an equaliser, but his bribes kept the chainsaw on long enough to murder my team. By the end I was down to only 5 or 6 players and he walked the ball in. Very frustrating game. I got tilted.

Learning point. There’s little to take away from this one sadly. Re rolled a six on argue the call and with the three bribes it was minging. I blocked his ball and chain, but he hadn't very well marked that it had block, which I’d forgotten and it annoyed me. His roster seemed to have a double skill and a stat increase and two block trolls and three bribes. I should have had a tackle piece to sack the goblin who stole the ball. Goblins are random. Roll better dice and get good. Maybe makes up for the pounding I gave the undead player.

Game 6 vs Cornish playing Dark Elves

Team Loss 1-3

Loss 3-1

That game where you are tired, your head is mince and you have had your fill of goblins, then you face a very good coach playing dodging dark elves? Yeah.

He snatched an early touch down on my drive, AGAIN. Didn’t screen properly. He didn't even need to use re-rolls. When will I learn??!

I managed a late consolation touchdown but he already had the 3 TD lead and it was my turn 14. I knew I was beat and the team were having similar experiences, apart from Tom who smashed their elven union player.

I tried to put on a brave face for my opponent who was a gent and helpful on rules and options, but I really was knackered and resigned at this point.

Learning point I kept using the same set up despite it failing. I thought I’d been unlucky and ‘it’ll work this time’. I should have gone much more defensive when 1-0 down and made him come to me. I went bashy and paid the price for leaving gaps. Cage you moron!

Painted Chaos Chosen Beastman models
The Beastmen from the Beastie Boys

Final thoughts.

Finished 2-2-2. Happy with that for a first try at the team against some stiff opposition (for my ability)

I did on balance really enjoy Chosen and I think I could fare better with them again. Given the rule pack - the only thing I’d consider is swapping out claw for tackle, but honestly, probably the best way to improve would be to play better and cage better. Long kicks can be a problem for Chaos if you deploy too far forward. Transitioning should defo be running back if that is the case. You might just have to leave the minotaur.

That last game, and Tom’s cracking performance has now got me looking at dark elves… uh oh...